Kanoturen |
System Fault: Fatal |
A thriller short story in Danish for teens and young-adults.
Kanoturen er en spændingsnovelle som ikke kan anbefales til læsere med for højt blodtryk eller hang til mareridt. Mie skal på kanotur med sin far. De skal til Sydsveriges sidste vildmark, bo i telt og lave mad over lejrbål. I tre hele dage! Men turen går ikke helt som planlagt og Mie må stirre døden selv i øjnene for at redde både sit eget og faderens liv. Hun opdager også at drømme – inklusive mareridt – måske ikke kun er … drømme. |
When your child is abducted you immediately come into contact with a world most of us rarely give much thought: The “system” of law and order, law enforcement, crime investigation and justice. Then, when no ransom is demanded, you fear the worst. Soon the police will break the news to you: they’ve found a body that corresponds. Except your concept of “the worst” is radically redefined when instead they tell you their most likely scenario: your child has been abducted by professionals in human sex trade. Loosing a child to violent death isn’t the worst that can happen. Not anymore.What do you do when that reality sets in? Break down, plunge into despair and depression? Carry on and hope the “system” – the institutions of our society – will find her in time and punish the criminals? And even if you decided to “do something”, what can you do? |
Sample chapters | Sample chapters |
Published: April 28, 2013 | Release date: 2014 |
Get it here: ISBN 979-10-91932-04-2 (Kindle) ISBN 979-10-91932-06-6 (Paperback) |